The Kurz Elektronik GmbH was founded 1965. The first products were oil pumps, electrical switches and signal lights, all-selfdeveloped products. In the early 90s Kurz Elektronik was able to establish a new production facility in Lithuania and later on a facility in China. This enables the company to extent the production possibilities. New products like motor-controls are produced. Meanwhile the manufacturing equipment has increased in order to manufacture more complex products like DC/DC convertes.
Each product is specially produced for our customers needs. Our manufacturing experience covers the manufacturing of a single PCB and complete assemled systems.
1965 Kurz Elektronik GmbH was founded
The company Kurz started with self-developed oil pumps, electronic switches and signal lamps.
1993 UAB Litalka was founded
The foundation of UAB Litalka was an important milestone in production.It enabled the Company Kurz GmbH to produce large scale series.
2008 Kurz Haian was founded
Production and delivery of the asian market.
2016 Integration in Prettl Group
2016 Kurz Elektronik is part of the Prettl group, a global group of companies with over 9500 employees.
Part of the Prettl Group
Automotive, Appliance Solutions, Electronics, Energy and Strategic Build-up - these are the five business segments of the PRETTL Group. Since 2016, Kurz Elektronik has been part of the Prettl Group with over 9500 employees worldwide. Thus, the milestone has been laid to cover further areas of the electronics industry.
Kurz Elektronik GmbH Industriestraße 20 D-75382 Althengstett Germany